Tax Planning and Compliance

We know two certain aspects of taxes – (1) they are NOT going away, and (2) the laws are constantly changing. At KN+S we recognize that nearly every financial choice you make will have tax-related consequences. Our mission is to help you make the right decisions to optimize your outcome; decisions based on an evaluation of YOUR specific situation and desires.

Our consulting services, while extensive, boil down to two primary areas; tax compliance and tax planning.

Tax compliance – our goal is to assist you with the cost efficient and timely filing of required tax returns with no surprises. While the return may be viewed as a historical scorecard computing one year’s income and deductions and resulting tax, the process still presents opportunities to garner the best result. KN+S tax professionals understand the complex myriad of tax laws and look for chances to improve your results!

Tax planning – as with most things in life, upfront planning can make a world of difference in the ultimate outcome.  Choices you make today, from an entity choice for a new business to an estate plan for transferring wealth to the next generation, could result in massively different tax and economic outcomes, for your business and your family. Our goal is to provide you with the necessary background and ideas so you can make an informed decision; and then help follow through to adjust the plan along the way.

Some examples of our tax related services include:

  • Federal, state and international tax planning and compliance
  • Business entity consulting
  • State and local tax consulting
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Executive compensation planning and options
  • Research and development credits
  • Structure and allocations on the sale of a business
  • Estate and gift planning
  • Representation of clients in IRS or state tax audits
  • Deferred real estate transactions (section 1031 exchanges)