Not for Profit

Today’s not-for-profits are confronted with many challenges including managing limited operating resources, raising funds to support programs and operations, as well as complying with increasing compliance and reporting regulations.  We understand the issues and we have the knowledge base to serve as a key business advisor so that your focus can remain on the mission of the organization. Having staff that focus on the specific needs of nonprofits, allows our firm to be able to customize the experience with each client, realizing that no two organizations are alike. We seek to assist not-for-profits in all stages, whether a new or a seasoned organization, by bringing our unique perspective to the engagement all the while creating a personal connection with each client.

Our not-for-profit services include:

  • Financial Statement Audits, Reviews and Compilations
  • OMB A-133 Audits
  • Federal and State Tax Filings and Compliance
  • Cash Flow Management
  • Financial Projections and Budgets
  • Accounting Systems and Internal Control Design