Accounting, Auditing and


Katz Nannis + Solomon offers a full range of attestation and assurance services and has the flexibility to react to your requirements. We work with all types of corporate structures. We offer compilations, reviews and audits as well as due diligence and other types of agreed upon procedure reports. But the timely delivery of the report is not our only goal! We also aim to add value to the audit or review process to give you keen insights into your business to help you improve not only your internal systems, but your entire organization.

Our assurance teams have years of experience across a wide range of industries and can bring our experience to bear on your situation.

Our service approach is focused on the needs of our clients. We have asked and listened to what companies need and want from their CPA firms.

  • Extensive experience with complex revenue issues
  • Familiarity with the issues in the your business
  • Listens and understand your concerns
  • A firm that provides value for fees
  • A team responsive to requests
  • A practical approach to minimize taxes
  • Experienced and consistent team you won’t have to train
  • Integrated tax and audit teams
  • Technical expertise on current and complex issues
  • Proactive suggestions on how to deal with changing tax and audit requirements
  • Partner access
  • Access to an international network through our affiliation with PrimeGlobal
  • Expertise with complicated equity arrangements

Case Study 1

An angel backed privately held company had never had a review or an audit but was considering an acquisition as an exit strategy for the investors.  Tax returns had been filed but with imprecise numbers.  The lack of audited results and condition of the tax returns had stalled any exit and the company needed to react quickly to get its house in order

The KN+S response was to deploy a services team that had both tax and audit experience and focus the company on the areas of concern.  KN+S discussed the documentation required for the challenging areas of revenue and equity based compensation and worked with the company, while remaining independent, to conduct an audit of the most recent year of operations and to amend the tax returns to get everything to a state where it would withstand the scrutiny of due diligence. This was all done within six weeks, which far exceeded the client’s expectations.

Case Study 2

A software company is changing its technology to offer a web based SaaS solution instead of its traditional licensed product.  

KN+S met with the management team to develop a response to deploy a services team that had both tax and audit experience.  The team was able to help the company focus on the areas of concern related to revenue recognition and to identify costs that could be capitalized related to the development of internal use software.  The Company successfully launched the SaaS solution and has continued a track record of strong growth.